
My Submission for Brackey's Game Jam 12. The game is incomplete, unfortunately I ran out of time but I put a lot of effort into making it so I thought I'd upload it anyway. I may continue to work on it, but I'll leave any updates (other than major bug fixes) until after the judging period for the jam has ended.


A Storm is coming... and with it stormlings. As the local stormwarden you are the only thing that stands between your town and destruction. The storm ebbs and flows. When it rages, you must fight off all that it throws at you. When it calms, recuperate and buy upgrades, but remain vigilant for the softest calm precedes the storm's greatest challenge.

The Game plays as a wave survival game. Currently you have 30 seconds to buy upgrades before a wave which is signalled by thunder. After the wave another thunderclap tells you that you're safe and can recuperated...


a/d: move

w: look up/enter shop menu

k: jump/buy

j: attack/exit shop menu


thunder sound - UNIVERSFIELD on pixabay 

font - monogram by datagoblin

Art, programming, etc. - me

Updated 1 day ago
Published 4 days ago
Made withGodot
Tags32x32, Pixel Art

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